Application form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name, surname, degree: *FirstLastPersonal Identification Number: *Permanent Address: *Tel.: *Email *Agent/Mediator:I fully agree with the belowBy sending this application form, I hereby confirm that I have got acquainted with the Union of Football Professionals´ statutes; I agree with these statutes and I hereby express my interest to become a regular member of this Union. In addition, I also declare that all the information provided in this application are truthful and accurate. The yearly membership fee is 40,-EUR. I hereby consent to incorporation of these personal data into Union ´s membership lists, thus these data might be made available for other sport organisations as well as Union ´s partners. I also agree to receive notifications concerning Union ´s activities to the above mentioned email address. The same applies to offers by the partners of the Union. In addition, I hereby give my consent as well as authorisation which enables the Union to protect my interests and rights relating to personality, and to support my personal rights as well as other related activities. I understand that this consent is granted for free and rights relating to personality will be administered collectively with rights of other Union members. By completing personal data on this application, I give my consent to the processing of my personal data in accordance with the provisions of Act no. 18/2018 Coll. I was adviced that, pursuant to the provisions of § 14 para. 3 of Act no. 18/2018 Coll., I, as a subjuct of data collection, may at any time withdraw my consent to the processing of personal data concerning me. Furthermore, I have been informed that the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing of personal data based on consent prior to its withdrawal, that is, prior to the granting of consent, and that I can withdraw the consent in the same way.CommentSend Najnovšie články Láska na futbalovom ihrisku: Príbeh Veroniky a Filipa Kissovcov Martin Škrtel: „Snažil som sa každý deň si čo najviac užiť“ FIFPRO World 11: Rekordné hlasovanie v 2024